Apply for Services

* Indicates a required field

Welcome to Allegany Law Foundation, 公司. (ALF).

  • 公司ome information for all household 成员
  • The value of your house, if you have one
  • The value of your car, if you have one
  • How much you have in your checking or savings account, or any investment accounts

请注意:在ALF通知您的案件已被接受之前,您不是ALF的客户. 在您和您的律师签署代理协议之前,任何ALF员工或志愿律师都不享有律师-客户特权. ALF可能会在公共和私人数据库中搜索您可能遇到的潜在法律问题. *


ALF assists residents of 彩票365app下载. 如果你不住在彩票365app下载,或者你的法律问题发生在彩票365app下载以外, 请访问(附加资源页)或致电我们的电话摄入量(301)722-3390在上午9点至下午12点之间, Monday through Thursday.


鉴于这类案件的时间很短,请不要完成在线入学. 而不是, please call our 电话 intake at (301) 722-3390 between 9 am and 12 pm, Monday through Thursday.


ALF assists with some, but not all civil legal matters.

If your legal problem is not listed, please call our 电话 intake at (301) 722-3390 between 9 am and 12 pm, Monday through Thursday or go to additional resources.


家庭收入. Financial eligibility is based on 家庭收入, Household Size, and 资产s. ALF不能为任何超过家庭收入资格准则的客户提供免费律师. 未能提供完整和准确的家庭信息可能导致被拒绝提供安置服务.

  1. “Household” is your family unit, all persons sharing both physical and financial living arrangements with you.
  2. 如果你们住在一起,你的配偶或家庭伴侣必须包括在你的家庭里.
  3. 每个家庭必须列出所有收入、公共福利和其他支持手段.

Financial Information

Provide the number of adults and children in your household. If there are no children in your household, enter 0.


你必须填写至少一个月的收入,如果没有人有任何收入,选择“无收入”. ENTER ONLY MONTHLY AMOUNTS. For example: "就业, $425, spouse."

资产 Information

Below, enter a dollar amount for each asset type listed. Enter a "0" if applicable. Please DO NOT list any expenses including rent, car or insurance payments. 如果您拥有企业,请在资产票据字段中填写企业名称.

如果您或其他家庭成员在房屋契据上,则在“房屋”下输入一个值. 如果您或其他家庭成员拥有其他财产,请在“其他财产”下输入值, 比如土地, a rental property, 假期回家, 或者分时度假.


If you are unsure of the value of your home, you can 点击这里 to look it up at the Maryland Department of 资产s & 税收.

If you are unsure of the value of your car, you can 点击这里 to visit Kelley Blue Book to determine an estimated value.

Personal Information

Phone Numbers and Email Address

如果你没有家庭电话,列出你的移动电话号码作为你的家庭电话. Use the "安全" checkbox to indicate which 电话 numbers are okay for us to call.




Client Statistics


Opposing Party Info


Facts About your Legal Issue

If you have a court case number please enter it. If you aren’t sure of your case number, you can 点击这里 to search Maryland Judiciary Case Search.

If you have a hearing scheduled pertaining to your legal matter, please enter it.



我理解 that Allegany Law Foundation, 公司. (ALF)是一个志愿者推荐计划,并不保证它会找到一个愿意接受我的案件的律师.
You are not an ALF client until ALF notifies you that your case has been accepted. 在您和您的律师签署代理协议之前,您与任何ALF员工或志愿律师之间不存在律师-客户关系.
我理解 that after my attorney accepts my case, 我和我的律师的关系将受我和我的律师之间的协议的约束.
我理解 that once ALF refers me to an attorney, the attorney may refuse to accept my case if my case is deemed to have no merit; accepting my case would involve violation of law or Rules of Professional Responsibility; I am not prepared or able to pay the court costs or other expenses necessary for proper handling of my case; or any other legitimate reason. 我明白,未能遵守约定或未能与alleany Law的律师或工作人员合作可能导致服务中断,并且我将来可能没有资格获得服务.
我明白ALF将寻求将我的案件委托给不向我收取代理费用的律师, 我的律师将寻求免除我有资格获得的费用和诉讼费. 我进一步明白,我有责任支付任何和所有不可放弃的法庭费用, advertising fees, 亲子鉴定, or other fees that may arise in association with my case.
我授权ALF与我指定的律师分享我的任何和所有个人和财务记录, law office staff, or legal or social service agencies to whom my matter is referred by ALF. 我授权我的律师向ALF披露我的律师了解到的关于我的财务状况的任何信息.
I hereby permit and instruct any attorney, law office staff, 法律或社会服务机构通过电话或书面形式回应ALF提出的有关事实信息的要求, progress or outcome of my case.
我明白ALF可能会检查我所提供的家庭信息的准确性, 资产, 和收入.
如果我的财务状况在此期间有所改善,我将由律师代理, 我将立即通知ALF,并审查我的档案以决定是否继续服务. If I do not qualify based on eligibility criteria, 我同意与律师协商继续代理的私人费用.

I release Allegany Law Foundation, 公司. and its officers, 董事, 成员, and employees from any and all claims, 损失, 由365速发国际的任何项目提供或通过该项目提供的任何推荐而产生的责任.
I authorize ALF to contact me through all communication outlets, including but not limited to mail, 电话, 电子邮件和短信, 除非我通知ALF我不想接收该通信类型,并且我同意将我的联系信息的任何更改通知ALF

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